We are happy you will be visiting us!

The service can be intimidating, so just relax, listen, and watch. There is a lot of sitting, standing, singing, kneeling, praying, and responding.  You do not have do any of this. You have done the most important part in being present.

In worship we acknowledge the holiness of God, hear God’s Word, offer prayers, and celebrate the sacraments – the outward visible signs of an inward spiritual grace. Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the basis of worship in the Episcopal Church. All are welcome and encouraged to participate. The service follows an order found in our Book of Common Prayer.

Episcopalians strive to be present with the Lord at the services, in whatever form that takes for each individual. What you will notice most is that people are quiet both before and immediately after the service. We aren’t ignoring you or being unfriendly.  

Come as you are.  Wear whatever is comfortable for you and join us.

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